Friday, March 28, 2008

Successful First Week!

Mary Caroline's first week at home has been a great success. She has had a wonderful week getting to know her Mommy and Papi as well as getting lots of love from her sisters. She is on a pretty good schedule of sleeping for 2 hours and eating. Nighttime has been her more active time so at around 9:00 Tami has been going to bed and leaving Mary Caroline with me out in the family room. She can hang for about an hour and then she crashes again. So she sits in her bouncy chair while I try to do a little work and watch TV. At around 11:30 she gets hungry again and Tami takes over. From then on out it is reported that Mary Caroline gets up every 2-3 hours and eats. It must be very quietly because I have been sleeping right through it!

Things she's done this week: sleep, eat, cry, first bath, keep eyes open for a while, poop, pee, hiccup, burp, sleep, eat, cry...(I think she smiles at me but I know it must have just been gas...)

Thanks to Chrissanne and Craig for the beautiful (and delicious) cookie bouquet. And thanks to all of you for all of your gifts and kind words and prayers.

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